Looking for Spring in the Garden

Inspired by a friend, Shannon’s blog, I decided to revive my blog…. last visited over a year ago.

Last night brought corn-snow, about 1/2 inch. Bright sun this morning, so went down to the delta garden, by the south pond, and pulled the plastic off the hooped ‘cold-frame’ that has spinach and greens starting to show.

Checked out the winter-garden, 2 beds that where I planted seeds way too late last fall. Found a tightly packed row of Kohlrabi, with some small kohlrabies bulging out. Transplanted 17 Kohlrabies to the next bed over, that still has some kale and chard that survived the winter.

Also transplanted/spread out some Brussels sprouts that I had planted last fall. The plants are very small and scrawny…. I wouldn’t buy they if they we on sale somewhere, but having survived the winter in our garden, it will be interesting to see how they do.

Then picked a mess of collard greens that survived the winter. Will steam them for breakfast tomorrow.

Off in a bit with Carl to visit a dairy farm where he is collecting manure for his compost piles.

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