The cold spell continues. A couple nights ago we got 3 more inches of snow. Since then, it has ‘sprinkled’ snow off and on.
I had just put the last can of gas into the generator, when our next door neighbor, Dave, sledded some gas over to me, using a plastic garbage can lid as a sled. Then he put 3 empty cans back into his ‘sled’ to fill the next time he goes out.
I have plenty of firewood as a friend and another neighbor, Shannon, came over a couple days ago and helped with splitting and wheel-barrowing enough wood onto the porch to last until Carl returns from Guatemala next week.
This morning, Denny, a neighbor from further on down Mosquito Lake Road, brought his machine (excavator?) over and scraped the mile of dirt road in from Mosquito Lake Rd, as well as our driveway. I’m hoping to get out tomorrow, as I hear the MLR is good enough, even for me, and the Mt Baker Highway is clear.