July 10 Kale Chips

Started the morning by lighting the wood stove so I could use the oven to bake Kale chips.  Then off to the delta garden to pick volunteer kale growing, on the edge of the pond.

P1130170First the clean kale is torn into 2-3″ pieces.  Ideally it should be dry, but I usually can’t wait long enough for it to dry completely.  Put the pieces in a bowl, pour olive oil over and rub it in.

P1130183Season.  For this batch I used popcorn spices:  parmesan cheese, powdered cheddar cheese, New Mexican Chile (given to me by Tosh and Annie), italian herbs, nutritional yeast and salt.


The oven was a little over 200F,  so I set the timer to check every 20 minutes.  I’d fluff and turn the pieces.  It took about an hour per batch.  But at that low a temperature, it was fine if I forgot it for awhile.


And then I had about a gallon of very tasty Kale Chips, to munch on all day long


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