July 17, Berry Picking.


The last of the chipmunk family that lived in the attic.  The rest have been caught in the live trap and sent to summer camp, a couple miles down the road and across the river.  When I drive by the tree where they are release, I usually leave some cracked corn for a snack.



Carl’s blueberries are getting ripe.  I’m picking a few, but hoping that they will just sit on the bushes getting tastier until he gets home in a little over a week.  I’ll keep sampling them, but as long as they stay firm, I’ll save blueberry picking for him.


For myself, I’m concentrating on the raspberry picking.  The purple ones are starting to ripen faster than I can eat…. which is a lot.  Ate my fill and filled a quart yogurt container, hanging around my neck on a cord.  And many, many more still red.  And there are red Encores ripening to add a bit of color.


Picked the first of the golden raspberries that we planted last year.  Flavor still a bit tart, but a more solid raspberry.  Now to see how many berries  I can eat on yogurt.   I will freeze the rest.  And wait for berry sauce canning until Carl is home and there are many berries sitting in the freezer.

For the rest of the pictures, click here.


Been toasting Broccoli leaves into Broccoli Chips


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