So here the deal. Carl loves Blueberries. Seriously loves Blueberries. I like them very much, but Raspberries are better and need picking and….
So the Blueberries are suppose to ripen slowly, and be ready to pick when Carl gets home next week. But did they wait? Nope, they didn’t.
And with the big rain coming, which came today, I had to respond to the blueberries call. In 3 pickings yesterday, I got just over 20#.
And what does one do with 20# of blueberries when the freezer is already full? Well there is a big pot on the wood stove, simmering away. And I should be canning them rather than writing this post.
Well the pot is minus a couple cups worth that ended up in a bowl with yogurt. 😉
So off to can Super Blueberries